"Ek Kadam Aur" means "One Step Forward"
We empower children from low-income backgrounds to put their best foot forward in developing lifelong skills for self sufficiency and success. Our mission is to meaningfully integrate students from underprivileged backgrounds and blind children with no life prospects into successful contributing members of society. Our network consists of local trainers and international experts from USA.

Transforming Young Lives Through Education Since 2016
ur Impact
Lives Touched
International Guest Speakers and Experts Invited
Major Educational Programs
Institutional and Corporate Partner

Meet Ananya
The youngest student of "Arunodaya: Sunrise for Blind "
Ananya first came to a medical camp organized by the Ek Kadam Aur Foundation. Her grandmother wanted to consult with a doctor and find out if her blindness could be treated. To their disappointment, her blindness was irreversible. A lot of challenges awaited Ananya. She was timid and felt excluded from other children.
to School
Once Ananya joined Arunodaya: Sunrise for Blind program at the Ek Kadam Aur Foundation, a trainer was appointed for one-on-one classes at her home.
She insisted on continuing classes with her sighted peers after visiting the Government School in Panhar. The trainer is now teaching Ananya at the school premises under Dr. Kalpana's guidance.
" I feel so happy to see Ananya’s transformation from a timid little girl who was earlier dependent on her grandmother for everything to someone moving freely in school campus, eating on her own and playing with other children -- in such a short span of time! "
(Head Teacher, Government Primary School, Panhar, Uttar Pradesh)
Dr. Kalpana Tiwari

For just $3 a day, you can support & educate Ananya and her blind peers.